Monday, May 31, 2010

Movie Time!

Everyone likes movies.  Everyone.  Even people who like books like movies, and most of them secretly want the books they like to BE movies (not true, but roll with it).  I have seen a lot of movies in my life, and every-so-often I see a scene that makes me all like "WOW!  MOVIES!"  Am I right or WHAT? Anywho, here are some of my all time favorite movie scenes.  You may see some of these scenes and think "Why hasn't Nate put this scene from this movie I know he likes?"  Well, some movies stand on their own pretty well, and it's can be hard to pick out my "favorite scenes."  For example if you were to ask me what my favorite scene from Wall-E is I would say "ALL OF THEM!"  So here they are, some of my favorite scenes in movies.

It's best to watch these while eating pizza and imagining these are all part of the same movie... You make up the plot!

Spiderman 2

Sam Raimi's style is so unique that they actually named a film method after him (Raimi-cam).  This scene is very reminiscent of his Evil Dead days and is absolutely terrifying.  The screams, freaky robot arms, nails scratching the floor, no music, chainsaw. If I had a list of the top ten things I like to see in robot arm scenes, these would all be in that list.  Doc Ock's arms also remind me of Velociraptors.  How can you go wrong there?

Space Jam

HA!  I get it!  SPIT SHINE!  And yes, Sylvester, we know, you've got balls...

Miller's Crossing

If I had to make this a numeric list, this scene would be in consideration for greatest scene ever.  For an old guy, he sure knows how to get a job done... if that job is killing people who want to kill you (which would be an awful job to have).  As opposed to the previous scene that had no music, this scenes use of Danny Boy makes it all the more masterful.  Sure he fires, like, a bazillion shots without reloading... who cares?!?!  There has been a lot of speculation the Tarentino ripped of part of this scene in Kill Bill... (but that's what he does and he does it the best).  The Coen Brothers are my favorite film makers and this scene (and movie) is a big part of that.

The Host

(0:28-2:14) This was the first time I had ever seen a cry fight.  this was also one of the funniest/saddest moments I had ever seen in a movie.  I think right now I need to make the distinction that I like Monster movies, not Horror movies.  I enjoy seeing a giant something or other terrorizing people.  What I don't enjoy is watching some psychopath murder-raping innocent people.  That is the worst and I don't know why people watch it.  I always here something like "Dude that scene was so messed up" and I think to myself  "Why did you watch it?  Seriously, why?  Do you like murder-rape?  Cause if you do, you should go to jail forever."  I seem to have strayed from the topic, but seriously, I like this movie.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze

This is scene is so stupid... oh nostalgia.  I seriously wonder how the lyrics for this song were written.
Producer: So Mr. Ice, can I call you Mr. Ice?
Vanilla Ice:  Wiki Wiki WOW Yeah!
Producer: Wonderful, so what do you know about teenage mutant ninja turtles?
Vanilla Ice:  They be green, mean, fightin' machines, who like to get down.
Producer: Yes but have you ever seen a turtle get down?
Vanilla Ice: No, but I bet they be slammin/jammin to the new swing sound.
Producer:  What?
Vanilla Ice: I love you.
(both embrace and make kissy face)
I assume this is how it happened, but I'm no expert.

Napoleon Dynamite

I am so glad that phase has passed where everyone quoted this movie ALL THE TIME.  I can now sit back and enjoy the wonderful little film this is.  There are tons of great moments, but this one really stands out.  I have never seen anyone rip a piece of Tupperware, much less feel ashamed of not being able to do it.  Cheer up guy!  No one can do that.  It's all about the little things.

Pan's Labyrinth

What wonderful monster!  Guillermo Del Toro's grown up fairy tale remains at the top of my favorites list for many reasons... this scene is one of the main reasons.  This scene has so much build up, and there is so much frustration in it.  Don't eat the fruit, you fruitcake!  Every so often I draw some eyes on my hands and chase my friends around.  I'm so lonely.

The Shining

Again with the freaky you say?  With most horror movies I think about how I would react to what is happening.  It almost always ends with either run very fast or use some sort of monster repellent bat spray on them.  I could do neither of those things in this situation.

Ed Wood

Perfect indeed, Mr. Depp.  Not only is this my favorite scene from this movie, but the audio of the real Bela Lugosi saying this is one of my all time favorite quotes too.

Plains, Trains, and Automobiles

Why is John Candy the devil?  Why is Steve Martin a skeleton?  Too many questions.  While it may be ultra-cheesy and sappy, this movie is one of the few poplar '80s movies I actually enjoy watching, mainly because of how gosh darn lovable John Candy's characters usually are.  "We can laugh about it now, cause it's over."

The Goonies

I wish I were as terrible as Chunk.  i also wish I could have been Moses in my Hebrew School play.  Just to prove that it's funny in any language, here it is in Italian!

Star Wars

When I was little, I never thought about this line to much.  of course he knew she loved him, duh!  As someone who is older and now understands these things, I know that this is NOT how you answer your special lady when she says "I love you."  Hats of to you Mr. Solo.  Greedo may have shot first, but Han, you had me a "I know."

The Dark knight

It's very difficult to successfully pull of being crazy and funny.  Most of the time it comes of as overacting (Jim Carrey).  There has been a lot said about this movie... so go find it somewhere else.

Jurassic Park

These two scenes pretty much sum up why this is my all time favorite movie.  If there is one thing dinosaurs think of most, it's how to eat you.  They have nothing better to do, other then serve my biddings.  I remember when I was little all the cool kids had Jurassic Park toys and backpacks and everything.  my folks wouldn't let me have any of it! Not even the toys cause they thought they were "too scary" or cause they could be BATTLE DAMAGED!  I think I should have gotten over it by now.

and lastly the greatest movie ever...

Batman (1960's)

I don't think I need to add a comment.

Thanks for reading!